Day 12

Happy 1
After making a big fool of myself and turning into an angry crazy thing on new year day, and yes, the worst was not remembering what I had done to offend people, I was grounded and not knowing why. I finally got to the bottom of it, and hopefully been forgiven, or just about. A dear friend advises me to make time for myself every day. What he said really touched my heart and swamped me with tears. The particular piece of advice really smacks me in the face. What a fool! I have been neglecting this journal, getting bogged down as usual by chores and watching disturbing crime dramas. No wonder why I got a bit crazy. Time to stop. I was happy to be a fool and have, hopefully, come out a bit wiser. I also feel blessed to be forgiven.

Happy 2
I felt it was time to remember why I am here doing what I do now. I managed to recall a lot of the amazing things that had happened to me that had landed me here. I really should write those down someday.

Happy 3
I finally got my act together and emailed a couple of my dear friends back home. What bad things could happen to me when they are not around is something I dislike the most for being so far away. I like the warm feeling I have when I read their emails, as if I could hear them talk in front of me.

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